Friday, June 20, 2008

Decisions, Decisions, and sleep.

I know. I know. I've turned into that blogger that says, "Hey, sorry I haven't updated in a while..." And I guess you couldn't really call this a while, I'd call this a LONG while since the last post.
But hey, what's a guy supposed to do? I noticed that I like to sit on things for a while, let them sort of mature in my head, before getting anything down. That also causes a lot of ideas to go sour, and a lot of ideas that mature into something not so great.

And I do appreciate the pushes from Dena and Maren, and Chan, and Aaron, and Adam... ug. I let you guys down. I will deliver on my promise of awesome soon enough. I'm learning more and more each day that I have great ideas, the execution is the part that gets in the way.

And hey, let me tell you a little secret; If I could make toys like this vinyl Boba Fett, for the rest of my days... I would be uncontrollably, eternally, joyously content.

Look forward to more posts soon.

Friday, February 22, 2008

The first of many.

This blog is going to be a place for me to creatively unwind. Page layouts and POP displays are great, but this is the spot for the weird and wonderful designs I've got squirreled away. Lots of sketches and doodles will come to fruition, so stay tuned!